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"There are those who say that demons are dangerous and evil. There are those that say demons never did any good for anybody. There are those who say that only a fool deals with a demon. Of course, then there are those who say 'To the hells with that!'"
- Ohjaban, Diremage
A diremage is an individual who transforms himself into demonic form in order to do battle. These demonic forms vary in shape and size, and gain in power as the diremage progresses in levels. Diremages use the mage tables for advancement in experience, as well as saving throws and THAC0. However, diremages roll 1d8 to determine hit points.
Diremages have no real role in society, except perhaps as outcasts. Due to the intensely evil nature of these individuals, diremages are shunned, and sometimes hunted as hideous monsters. This is not as true in Outland. While still feared and often shunned, the Mentors have identified diremages as legitimate citizens, acceptable into the Champions and Border Wardens (but, due to their usually chaotic nature, they are not welcome as Knights of the Guardian Hawk).
Requirements: Due to the strain on their systems, diremages must have a minimum Constitution of 14. They must also have a minimum Intelligence of 9.
Weapon Proficiencies: Diremages suffer the same weapons limitations as regular mages. When in direform, these individuals will use no weapon (unless the weapon comes as a part of the direform).
Non-weapon Proficiencies: Diremages must have the anatomy non-weapon proficiency (at a minimum Skill Level of 2), as their magics require a detailed knowledge of their own bodies.
Equipment: As per regular mages.
Special Benefits: The diremage transforms himself into a demonic form in order to do battle. Such transformations last for 1 turn per level, and can be attempted once per day, per level. After each transformation to direform, a diremage is required to pass a system shock roll - failure means that the diremage passes out from the strain, for 1 round per turn spent in direform. When in direform, the character has the same Attributes as when in regular form (however, while in direform, his Comeliness and Charisma each drop to 3).
The strength of the direform depends upon the level of the diremage. In normal form, diremages follow the hp, THAC0, proficiencies and saving throw progressions of regular mages. They do not, however, gain spells. What they do gain is their direform - a demonic shape, summoned from the Outer Planes, which wraps itself around the diremage, transforming him into a hideous, powerful beast.
The transformation, during which the diremage summons his bestial image and takes on its form, takes one round. The change is hideous and painful, as if evidenced by the diremage's screams of agony. During this process, the diremage is unable to take any action, and has an AC of 5 (losing all bonuses to AC due to high dexterity and magical items). All items carried by the diremage are transformed with the character, but cannot be used as long as the character remains in direform. Thus, if the character is wearing a ring of protection +2, the ring's effects cease to function while the character is in direform.
The shape of the direform, once set, may never be changed. This shape is extremely demonic in appearance, with glowing eyes, scaly skin, horns, wings, etc. (as per the traditional picture of the demon). The Player rolls on the following tables to randomly determine the direform's appearance. However, all demons have certain things in common. They are large, hulking beasts (ranging in height from 6-7 feet tall), muscular and fearsome in appearance (fangs, claws, the lot), with glowing eyes (the same colour as their skin). All direforms have long, barbed tails.
Table 1: Eyes
1d4 Roll |
Eye Appearance |
1 |
Normal |
2 |
Vertical pupils (cat-like) |
3 |
Horizontal pupils (goat-like) |
4 |
Solid colour |
Table 2: Skin Colour
1d8 Roll |
Skin Colour |
1 |
Dark Red |
2 |
Light Green |
3 |
Dark Green |
4 |
Light Blue |
5 |
Pale Yellow |
6 |
Stone Grey |
7 |
Black |
8 |
Transparent (with organs and stuff visible beneath the skin - ick!) |
Table 3: Skin Texture
1d8 Roll |
Skin Texture |
1 |
Scaled |
2 |
Short, wiry fur |
3 |
Pallid flesh |
4 |
Leathery, dry |
5 |
Leathery, with small spikes |
6 |
Insect carapace (smooth) |
7 |
Insect carapace (spiked) |
8 |
Dripping slime |
Table 4: Horns
1d8 Roll |
Horns |
1 |
None |
2 |
Small, straight (1-2 inches long) |
3 |
Medium, straight (3-6 inches long) |
4 |
Large, straight (7-12 inches long) |
5 |
Curled, ram-like |
6 |
Single horn, straight (unicorn-like) |
7 |
Single horn, spiral (unicorn-like) |
8 |
Single, curved (rhinoceros-like) |
Table 5: Wings
1d8 Roll |
Wings |
1 |
No Wings |
2 |
Small, bat-like |
3 |
Medium, bat-like |
4 |
Large, bat-like |
5 |
Small, feathered |
6 |
Medium, feathered |
7 |
Large, feathered |
8 |
DM's choice or re-roll |
Table 6: Feet
1d4 Roll |
Feet |
1 |
Bird claws |
2 |
Dragon claws |
3 |
Hooves |
4 |
Wolf Paws |
Every diremage gains certain special abilities when in direform. Some of these abilities are pre-set, and others may be chosen by the diremage as they gain new levels. These abilities are explained below, and are divided into five levels: Automatic, Neophyte (Levels 1-5), Adherent (Levels 6-10), Adept (Levels 11-15) and Master (levels 15+).
Abilities chosen must, where necessary, agree with one another. Each direform will have its own elemental association - fire, cold, electricity or gas. Once chosen, all abilities which take on an elemental form must agree. For example, if the character chooses flame breath, then it becomes a demon of heat and fire. Should he later chose a diresword, the sword must have flaming ability - he could not chose a cold ability or electrical ability.
Unless otherwise stated, all innate abilities have an initiative modifier of 3. Characters are free to chose abilities from earlier levels (thus, a 15th level character could chose abilities from Neophyte, Adherent, Adept or Master levels). Characters gain one new ability per level, up to 20th level - after this, no new abilities are gained.
Diremages, while in human form, have AC 10 (modified for Dexterity and worn armour). While in direform, the character starts out at Level 1 with AC 10. This AC improves by 1 point per level, to a maximum AC of -5 at Level 16. The direform may never wear armour, nor employ a shield; however, AC bonuses due to high Dexterity still apply. Special Hindrances:
Automatic Abilities
These abilities are gained automatically, at the levels indicated.
Infravision (Level 1): The direform has infravision to a range of 90 feet.
Warrior THAC0 (Level 1): This ability allows the diremage to use the warrior's THAC0 table while in direform.
Claw Attack (Level 1): The direform may attack once per round with any one claw, doing 1d4 hp damage per successful attack. Strength bonuses can cause extra damage.
Second Claw Attack (Level 2): The direform may now strike twice per round, once with each claw, doing 1d4 hp damage per successful strike. Strength bonuses can cause extra damage.
Bite Attack (Level 3): The direform may now bite once per round, in addition to its two claw attacks. The bite does 1d6 hp of damage. Characters with high Strength scores do not cause extra damage on a bite.
Fear Aura (Level 4): The direform can generate an aura of magical fear once per day. This fear aura can only affect characters and monsters who's level or hit dice are 3 less than the diremage - thus, at 4th level, this ability can only be used against creatures with 1 HD.
Fly (Level 5): While in direform, the character can fly (as per the spell) at a movement rate of 16 (B). This ability lasts for the duration of the direform, and can be used as often as liked. If the direform has wings, it must flap them in order for this ability to work - even if they are only tiny, vestigial wings. If the direform doesn't have wings, the ability still functions.
Regeneration (Level 10): While in direform, the character regenerates at a variable rate, gaining from zero to 3 hp per round (1d4-1 hp per round).
Immunity to Normal Weapons (Level 12): The direform may only be harmed by weapons of +1 or greater enchantment.
Tail Sting (Level 18): At 18th level, the direform grows a recessed barb in its tail. It can now attack with this tail (in addition to any claw/claw/bite or weapon attacks it would normally have). The tail barb does 1d2 hp of damage, and forces the victim to roll a save vs. poison. If the roll is failed, the victim dies in 1d4 x 10 minutes.
Neophyte Abilities (Levels 1-5)
Flame Breath: The direform is now capable of breathing a cone of flame (or cold, electricity, acidic mist, Player's choice) in a cone 10 feet long and six feet in diameter at the end. All characters caught by this breath weapon suffer 1d6 hp of damage for ever two levels of the diremage (round down), to a maximum of 10d6 hp damage. This ability can be used once per day, for every five levels (round up) of the diremage (maximum of 4 times per day).
Immunity to Disease: The direform is immune to all normal diseases. The character in normal form does not gain this ability, but does gain a +2 bonus to all saves vs. disease. A disease contracted while the diremage is in regular form is not cured when the character takes on direform - however, it is suspended. It does not take hold on the character's body again until the character takes on normal form.
Immunity to Poison: The character, while in direform, is immune to all poisons. This shape automatically neutralizes all poisons present in the system. Thus, it is possible for the diremage, if poisoned in his regular form, to change to direform to negate the poison (assuming the onset time of the poison gives the character time to do this). While in his normal form, the diremage gains a +2 bonus to all saves vs. poison.
Rending Attack: This ability may not be taken until at least 3rd level. With this skill, the direform gains a rending attack. Should both claws hit the same target in the same round, the direform can automatically rend the victim for 2d4 hp damage. In addition, the bite attack in that round receives a +4 bonus to hit.
Spell Use: The direform gains the use of any one spell from the following list, and can cast it once per day. The direform may chose this ability multiple times to gain multiple uses. Spells are cast at the same level as the diremage: magic missile, charm person, sleep, detect magic, detect invisibility or invisibility.
Suggestion: The direform can cast suggestion, once per day for every four levels (round up), to a maximum of 5 times per day.
Adherent Abilities (Levels 6-10)
Additional Damage: The direform causes increased damage with its claw/claw/bite routine, and adds +2 hp damage to each successful attack.
Charm Gaze: The direform can cast charm person once per day, by gazing into its victim's eyes. The direform can do this twice per day at 11th level, and three times per day at level 15 and above. At level 20, the victim suffers a -4 penalty to its saving throw.
Diresword: The direform gains a weapon (long sword, bastard sword, two handed sword or scimitar) which it can use in place of its claw/claw/bite attacks. This weapon is magical, and automatically appears in the direform's hands when desired, and disappears when no longer needed. If dropped or stolen, the weapon automatically disappears. This weapon can be summoned and released at will, as often as the character wishes, provided it is in direform. For more information on the diresword, see later in this document.
Elemental Resistance: The direform becomes more resistant to any one type of attack (heat, cold, acid or electricity), as chosen by the Player (in keeping with the direform's previous choices - a fire breathing direform would take fire). The character automatically suffers half damage from any associated attack, and if he passes his saving throw (if any is allowed) suffers no damage.
Form Protection: Thanks to the diremage's inherent ability to transform shape, he gains protection from spells that alter his form or substance (such as polymorph other or flesh to stone). Any time the diremage is subjected to such a spell, he may change back to his normal state (the state he was in on the round the spell took affect) in one round. This ability functions both in normal form and in direform.
Magic Resistance: The direform shape gains slight (10%) magic resistance.
Spell Immunity: The character becomes totally immune to any one spell from the following list (however, the character may chose this ability multiple times for additional immunities): sleep, charm person, friends, hypnotism, cause fear, or command.
Spell Use: The direform gains the use of any one spell from the following list, and can cast it once per day. The direform may chose this ability multiple times to gain multiple uses. Spells are cast at the same level as the diremage: dispel magic, cause serious wounds (by touch), fireball, hold person, or wall of fire.
Adept Abilities (Levels 11-15)
Advanced Spell Immunity: The character becomes totally immune to any one spell from the following list (however, the character may chose this ability multiple times for additional immunities): forget, hold person, ray of enfeeblement, scare, fear, charm monster, confusion, emotion, fumble or suggestion.
Diseased Attack: The direform carries a hideous disease (to which it is immune). Any victim bitten by the creature has a 1% chance (non-cumulative) per point of damage taken (from the bite only) of contracting the disease. This illness causes the victim to lose 1 point from his Constitution score per day for 1d6 days. Lost points of Constitution return at the rate of 1 per day. Characters reduced to less than 1 point of Constitution in this way die.
Great Strength: The character can increase his Strength score by 1d2 points, while in direform, for the duration of one direform manifestation. Thus, if the character could change into direform three times per day, he could only use great strength in one of those manifestations.
High Damage: The direform is indeed a fearsome foe, and now does greater damage with its claw/claw/bite routine. Characters with this ability add a +2 bonus to damage rolls using these attacks. This ability can be used in conjunction with the additional damage ability (which can be purchased at Adherent level).
Magic Resistance: The direform shape gains (10%) magic resistance. This ability can be used in conjunction with magic resistance skills purchased at other levels.
Teleport: The direform gains the innate ability to cast teleport once per day.
Master Abilities (Levels 15 and Beyond)
Poisoned Bite: The direform's bite is highly poisonous - bitten victims must pass a save vs. poison or suffer 1d6 hp of damage, plus 1 hp per level of the diremage (to a maximum of +20 hp). Characters who have taken the diseased attack ability may not select poisoned bite.
High Spell Immunity: The character becomes totally immune to any one spell from the following list (however, the character may chose this ability multiple times for additional immunities): chaos, feeblemind, hold monster, magic jar, or geas.
Rending Wounds: The direform has perfected its physical attack skills, and now does an additional +2 hp damage to all claw/claw/bite attacks. This ability can be used in conjunction with the additional damage and the high damage abilities. Furthermore, all such attacks, on a natural roll of 20, continue to bleed into the next round, causing a further 1d2 hp of damage per wound.
Teleport Without Error: The direform gains the innate ability to cast teleport without error, once per day.
The Diresword: This weapon is magically called into being by the direform, and can be used in place of its normal claw/claw/bite attack. Whatever form the sword takes (Player's choice), it causes 1d10/2d6 hp damage, plus gains a +1 to attack and damage rolls for every 5 levels of the character (round up), to a maximum of +5.
Direswords are always the same colour as their owners, and are sheathed in the appropriate elemental effect (fire, cold, electricity, acidic mist, etc.). For example, if the direform has chosen a cold-based breath weapon, then the sword appears to be encased in a fog of super-cold mist. However, if he had chosen fire breath, the sword would be sheathed in flames.
Special Hindrances: All diremages are evil in alignment. If a diremage begins his career with a non-evil alignment, his close association with demonic forces slowly but surely erodes at his soul. Each time a non-evil diremage uses his direform, he must pass a Wisdom check. Each failed check moves the character one step closer to evil (thus, Lawful Good becomes Lawful Neutral, which then becomes Lawful Evil). Diremages may never multi- or dual-class, due to the intense concentration required by their studies .
Diremages may not use any magical items while in direform, unless that item is a purchased ability (i.e. the diresword). Any attempt to use a magical item in this form automatically fails. Even non-charged items which do not require command words (such as magical swords) will not function. Of course, to the direform, the use of any weapon or item other than its own claw/claw/bite (or a diresword) is totally anathema.
Once in direform, the diremage may not change back to human form at will, and instead must wait until the form's natural duration (10 minutes per level) expires. Characters who wish to end a direform early may attempt to do so by making a Wisdom check (with a -1 penalty for every full turn left in the form's duration). A successful check ends the direform; the diremage suffers 1d2 hp of damage for each full turn left in the form's duration, and suffers a -2% penalty to his system shock roll. A prematurely ended direform is considered "used" for the day, and counts against the diremage's allowed daily transformations.
Money: Diremages begin the game with 3d4 x 10 gp.
Races: Diremages are almost exclusively human and half-elven; however, in rare cases, elven diremages have been seen.