"True power comes from understanding."
- Mentor Araskor Blackmantle
Character Point System
I have adapted the AD&D Character Point (CP) system for use in Outland. Unlike Skills & Powers, in Outland we still use traditional experience points. However, CP will be handed out as well, mostly to reward role playing. CP can be used to purchase the Skills and Powers made available here.
Skills and Powers are divided into six categories: Martial Skills, Stealth Skills, Anima Skills, Mystic Skills, Divine Skills, and Leadership Skills. Each of these categories corresponds to one of the six character Attributes: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma, respectively. When a character is first created, the Player must make note of the character's Prime Skill - whatever Attribute is highest becomes the character's Prime Skill (ties can be decided by the Player).
From here on in, when purchasing abilities from the character's Prime Skill category, all such skills are purchased at half price (round up). However, there is also a downside. Each Skill category has an oppositional Skill (as shown in the table below). When purchasing skills from the character's oppositional Skill category, the character must pay 50% more for that skill (round down).
Skills can only be purchased once, unless otherwise noted.
Table 1: Oppositional Skill Categories
Skill |
Oppositional Skill |
Martial |
Mystic |
Stealth |
Divine |
Anima |
Leadership |
Mystic |
Martial |
Divine |
Stealth |
Leadership |
Anima |
Character points may be saved, and spent during game play. Using this method, each CP is like a kind of "luck" point, allowing a character to re-roll a failed attack or saving throw. However, before this point can be spent, the Player must declare his intention to use a CP to re-roll a failed attempt before that attempt is made. For example, if a character is fighting an ogre, and wants to be sure he will hit it, he must declare, before rolling his initial attack, that, should he miss, he will spend one CP to roll again. Any failed roll may be re-rolled only once using this method. Regardless of any re-roll's success, any CP spent is lost.
CPs may not be used to re-roll a catastrophic failure (rolling a natural 1 on an attack roll or a natural 20 on a saving throw). If the character had stated his intention to roll again should the original roll fail, and a catastrophic failure results, he may not roll again. However, the CP is not spent.
Martial Skills
Arrow Block (10): With this maneuver, the character is able to parry thrown and missile weapons. This maneuver requires all the character's attention, so he can do nothing else during a round in which he is attempting to block the missiles. Obviously he cannot block a missile attack that he is not aware of (attacks from behind, invisible weapons, etc.).
In order to block a missile attack, the character must roll a successful attack against AC 0. Success indicates that he has knocked the missile out of the air, and it falls harmlessly to the ground, 1d6+4 feet away from the character. If attempting to block the missile with his bare hands, the character must make a successful attack roll against AC -4. Failure indicates that he missile automatically strikes the character, doing full damage. On the other hand, success means that the character has plucked the missile out of the air.
Blood Oath (5): Much like the ranger's racial enemy, this option allows the player to select a certain type of creature as his character's blood enemy. Whenever he faced with his chosen foe, he enjoys a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls. However, so great is his hatred of this blood enemy, the character must successfully roll a Wisdom check in order to be able to walk away from such a creature (so great is his hatred).
Combat Bonus (15): This ability (useless to warriors) allows the character to use the THAC0 table of the next better character class. Thus, mages use the thief THAC0 chart, thieves use the cleric, and clerics use the fighter THAC0 table. The ability can be purchased multiple times (but costs 5 more CP per level purchased) to advance even farther along the charts (thus, a mage could purchase this ability once, at a cost of 15 CP, to use the thief THAC0 table, and a second time, at a cost of 20 cp, to be allowed to use the cleric THAC0 chart).
Combat Sense (10): By selecting this skill, the character enjoys an innate kinship with the pulse of battle. He receives a +1 bonus in three different combat situations:
- Fighting in the dark (reducing the penalty to -3 instead of -4, or -1 if the character also has the Blindfighting non-weapon proficiency).
- Attacking opponents who are partially or totally concealed (reducing all penalties by 1, as per the PHB).
- Surprise (the character's chance of surprise is reduced by 1 in 10).
Damage Bonus (5): +1 bonus to damage with any one weapon type (such as long swords, two handed words, long bows, daggers, etc.). May be purchased multiple times for multiple weapon types.
Defensive Form (5)Defensive Form (5): The character has learned a method of combat particularly effective at preventing damage. Such characters receive a +2 bonus to AC if unarmoured.
Expanded Weapon Selection (5): The character can use one weapon normally not allowed to his class (note, this does not apply to clerics who's deities establish weapon restrictions). The character must still pay a normal weapon proficiency slot to be able to use the weapon.
Focused Attack (5): The warrior has spent a great deal of time with one type of weapon (long sword, for example, or dagger) in which he is specialized, and has learned enough about the weapon to enable him to increase his attack effectiveness. Once per day, the warrior gains a
+4 bonus to hit with this weapon, and does automatic double weapon damage (other bonuses to hit are still considered, but bonuses to damage are not doubled).
Hard Fists (5): This ability has no effect on the character's base Strength score, but does allow him to do slightly more damage in unarmed combat than his peers. Characters with this ability roll 1d4 for their base damage, rather than the standard 1d2.
Mettle (10): Like many legendary heroes, the Character with this natural gift possesses a nearly indestructible frame; indeed, he seems to be cast of iron. Any damage from bludgeoning weapons or falling damage is halved if the character makes a successful Constitution check.
Multiple Specialization (10): This ability allows the character to specialize in another weapon (or specialize period, if the character is not a fighter). It does not provide extra weapon proficiencies, however.
Power Strike (10): The character is capable of summoning his Strength to deliver a stunningly powerful blow. In Tryll, a roll of a natural 20 allows the character to make an additional attack. Characters who have the Power Strike Skill also do double on that attack (although not on the free second attack, unless that roll two was also a 20).
Steady Aim (10): For every full round spent aiming a shot with a long or short bow, the character receives a cumulative +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls (to a maximum of +6).
War Cry (5): By screaming a withering battle cry seconds before striking, a character with this skill receives a +1 bonus to damage rolls for a single strike. This strike must be the Fighter's first in any given combat situation, used as he engages an enemy for the first time. This skill may never be used more than once in any given battle.
Warrior's Strength (10): This ability allows non-fighters to use the fighter's exceptional Strength score tables.
Weapon Grapple (10): With this advanced maneuver, the character parries an incoming weapon attack and is able to grab the weapon, making it harder for the attacker to use it against him. The character must be unarmed, and the maneuver requires both his hands to perform. In order to grab the weapon, the character must roll a successful attack against AC 0 (AC is modified by 1 point for every magical plus of the weapon - thus, a long sword +4 would be AC -4).
Should the character fail in his initial attempt to grab the weapon, he has managed to put himself at greater risk of attack. The attacker receives a +4 bonus to hit and does double damage should his attack succeed (this bonus applies only to the attacker's initial blow).
This ability requires all of the character's concentration; thus, no other action may be taken in a round in which it is attempted. If the attempt is successful, the character and the attacker both have a grip on the weapon. The grip is never a dangerous one for the character. For example, the character would be able to clap the blade of a sword-wielding opponent between his palms, preventing it from striking.
In order to strike the character with the weapon, the attacker must first get it free. To do this, the attacker and the character each roll opposed Strength checks (each rolls 1d20; the one who rolls highest without exceeding his Strength score wins). If the attacker wins, he has wrestled his weapon from the character's grasp. If the character wins, he gains possession of the weapon. A tie leaves both opponents still grappling for the weapon.
The opponents may make one opposed Strength checks per round until the issue of weapon possession has been resolved. Taking any action other than battling for the weapon is considered capitulation. For instance, if the character attempted to kick his attacker while battling for the attacker's sword, he loses his grip, and automatically loses the weapon.
Stealth Skills
Anomalous Intuition (10): The character has an unexplained connection with some mysterious power. Perhaps he has divine ancestors, perhaps his parents were blessed by fairy folk, and the warrior still - perhaps unknowingly - carries this blessing. Whatever the case, the character with this Anomalous Intuition has the ability to detect things that are normally beyond the range of mortal perception. By simply passing within a few feet of a secret door, the character has a 1-in-6 chance of detecting its existence (or a 1-in-3 if the character is an elf). In addition, the character is more sensitive to danger, and can only be surprised on a roll of 1 on 1d10 (1 on 1d12 if an elf).
Backstab (10): Characters with the anatomy proficiency (at Skill Level 3 at least) can take this skill. It allows the character to backstab, as per a thief. The character uses the thief backstab table, as if he were a thief four levels lower than his actual level.
Escape Artist (10): The character has the ability to wriggle out of ropes, manacles, brackets, chains and other restraints. The bound character can make a Dexterity check when attempting to twist free of the bonds. Such an escape requires 1d6 minutes for each limb that is bound. If the character is secured by metal brackets or chains, the check is made at ½ (rounded up).
Good Aim (5): The character possesses better than average hand-eye coordination. When throwing hand-held missile weapons, the character gains a +2 bonus to hit. This bonus is not considered magical, and in no way affects damage. This ability functions only for hand-propelled missile weapons (i.e. daggers, darts, rocks, etc.), not for ranged weapons such as bows.
Hide in Shadows (10): The character can hide in shadows, as per a thief. The character's level added to his Dexterity score determines the chance of success. This ability is useless to thieves.
Improved Balance (5): Gives the character a +2 bonus to Dexterity checks involving balance.
Increased Movement (5): The character is fleet of foot, and gains a +3 bonus to his movement rate.
Quick Attack (5): When in danger, the character can roll a Dexterity check: success indicates the character receives a +2 bonus to Initiative for that round. However, a failed roll means the character suffers a -2 penalty to Initiative for that round.
Signature Attack (5): Using this skill, the character can make a flashy, impressive melee attack against any one foe. Using his favourite weapon, the character can do one special move: carve an initial in flesh, cut away clothing (not armour), etc. This ability causes, at most, 1d2 hp of damage, and is designed more for show than destruction. Other abilities are possible, but must be approved in advance by the DM.
Anima Skills
Animal Form (10): Characters with this ability can polymorph themselves into one particular normal animal (as decided upon by the Player and the DM) at will. The animal type cannot be magical, nor can it be considered a monster. Suggestions include falcons, wolves, fox, house cats, etc.
Athleticism (10): The character is extremely fit and hearty, and receives a +2/10% bonus to all checks involving running, jumping, throwing and climbing. Furthermore, the character can purchase the Endurance non-weapon proficiency at half cost.
Cold Resistance (5): The character is more resistant to extremes of cold, and receives a +1 bonus to saving throws made against cold-based spells.
Concentrated Strength (5): The character is able to focus his energies when attempting tasks which require concentration and will. The character doubles his normal Bend Bars/Lift Gates percentage.
Deep Sleep (10): The character is a deep sleeper, and suffers a -4 penalty to any die roll when attempting to wake up. Even after waking, it will be 1d4 rounds before the character can rouse himself enough to take action. However, the character receives the benefits of a full night's sleep in only six hours.
Earth Father (5 for Dwarves, 15 for non-dwarves, 20 for elves): This ability allows the character to heal an extra 1d4 hp of damage per day spent below the earth. The bonus does not apply if the character spends any time that day above ground.
Energy Burst (10): The character is capable of, once per day, harnessing his own life force to empower any melee weapon. The character suffers 10 hp of damage, but empowers his weapon with a +2 bonus to hit (this bonus cannot exceed +5, however). In addition, this life energy delivers an extra 1d10 hp of damage to any opponents struck by the weapon (which remains enchanted for 1d6+4 rounds).
Expert Healer (5): The character is a gifted physician, and can heal 1d8 hp of damage to any wounded creature (once per day per creature). The ability can be used a maximum of 1 time per day for every 3 levels of the character (round up).
Extra Hit Points (10): The character uses the next-higher die when rolling for new hit points (mages use 1d6, thieves 1d8, clerics 1d10 and fighters 1d12 to determine new hit points).
Extra Attacks (10): The character has developed lightning-fast reflexes and powerful muscles. Once per day, at the beginning of the round in which the character wishes to gain the extra attacks, the character can make a Dexterity check. For every four points by which she makes the roll (round fractions to the nearest whole number), she receives one extra attack. Such extra attacks last only for one round.
This special maneuver is difficult and tiring. Once the battle is done, the character must rest for 10 minutes per extra attack she has made, or be reduced to half her normal movement (and suffer a -4 penalty to AC and THACO) until she is able to rest.
Fast Healer (5): The character heals at double the normal rate.
Healing Trance (10): Characters with this ability are capable of entering a deep and healing meditative trance. The character enters the trance state (a process requiring 1 turn), and there meditates for 4 hours. During this time, the character enters an accelerated healing state, and begins to heal any damage he has suffered (only damage which responds to natural healing can be recovered). The character can heal 1d6+1 hp in this manner. Due to the strenuous nature of this process, the trance may be attempted only once per day.
Heat Resistance (5): The character is more resistant to extremes of heat, and receives a +1 bonus to saving throws made against fire-based spells.
Hit Point Bonus (10): The character gains an extra hit point each time he gains a level (multi-classed characters gain this bonus for only one of their classes).
Infravision (10): Thanks to the existence of a demi-human ancestor, the character has infravision. To determine range, roll 1d6 and multiply by 10. This is the range in feet of the ability.
Lasting Breath (5): The character is good at holding his breath. In any situation which requires the Player Character to hold his breath, the character receives 1d3 bonus rounds, which are added to the base number of rounds.
Lion's Leap (10): The character is able to perform extraordinary feats of springing and leaping by channeling his inner energy, mentally making himself as light as a feather. From a standing start, the character can leap 1d4 feet into the air and 1d3 feet forward, plus 1 foot up and forward for each experience level the character possesses. (Thus a 10th level character with this ability could leap up to 14 feet into the air and 13 feet forward.) He can also flip in midair to automatically change his facing.
Standing-start leaps do not take an entire melee round, costing instead only one attack allowed during the round. Thus, a character could flip over an opponent, land behind him, and execute an attack from the rear with his next melee attack (negating any of the opponent's AC bonuses due to Dexterity or shield). Of course, if a character has only one attack per round, he cannot leap and attack in the same round.
From a running start, the character can leap 1d8 feet upward and 1d10 feet forward plus 1 foot up and forward per experience level. The character must have room to run at least 10 feet before making such a leap. With either a standing start or running start leap, the character must make a normal attack roll vs. AC 10 (modified for the DM if the landing area is particularly small or unsafe) to land safely. If the roll is successful, the leap is successful. If the attack roll fails, the character leaps the full distance but falls to the ground on landing (suffering 1d6 hp of damage, plus possibly falling from a precarious position).
Paralyzing Blow (10): By gripping the opponent and twisting his joints, the character can render one hand, arm, or leg useless for 1d4 rounds. If the character's attack roll is successful, the opponent must make a saving throw vs. paralyzation. If he fails the save, the appropriate limb is rendered useless. If he makes the save there is no paralyzation. Application of a cure wounds or remove paralysis spell will eliminate the paralyzing effects of this attack.
Powerful Life Force (5): This ability gives the character a +1 bonus to saving throws vs. the energy drain spell and the level draining attacks of undead. If the attack does not normally allow a saving throw, the character gains a saving throw of 19 (modified by items which affect saving throws, such as rings of protection).
Trace Lycanthropy (10): Characters with this ability have a mild, weak version of lycanthropy. Why this is true is something the DM will have to decide (perhaps one of the character's ancestors was a were-creature). As such, he has some small ability of the were-creature in question. Common were creatures include wolves, foxes, bears, boars, tigers, and rats. Less common were creatures include bats, ravens and wolverines. The character is able to undergo a slight transformation during times of stress (no more than once per day, at a time decided Player Character, with the DM's permission).
While transformed, the character takes on slight characteristics of its were-creature. For example, a wolf's eyes might glow, or the character might become very hairy. A tiger's eyes might become vertical slits, or a bat might grow pointed ears. While in this altered state, the character receives one minor benefit from that creature. For instance, a wolf character might have heightened smell or hearing, or claw attacks. A bat creature might be capable of echo-location, or even able to glide through the use of a thin membrane which grows from his arms to his sides.
Exactly what characteristics and what abilities the Player Character gains are up to the DM. However, once determined, they cannot be changed. I must stress that the Player Character may ask for the ability to function, but the DM is free to grant or deny the request at any time. The DM may also force the transformation on the Player Character at any time he feels appropriate.
Water Breathing (10): Once per day, the character can breathe normally underwater. The ability lasts for one hour per level of the character.
Mystic Skills
Animal Friend (10): The character gains an animal companion (use the find familiar spell to determine animal type, although character is not "bound" to the animal, and does not possess empathic connection, nor is he physically damaged by the death of his companion).
Armoured Mage (15): The mage can cast spells while wearing armour, as long as it is no heavier than chain mail.
Innate Spell Ability (10): The character can cast any one of the following spells (Player's choice) once per day, as per a mage of the same level: faerie fire, dancing lights, darkness, levitate, detect magic, know alignment. The ability can be taken multiple times, but the 10 CP cost must be paid for each spell taken.
Magical Lore (10): The character has spent a great deal of time studying legends and tales involving magical items. The character has a 5% chance per level of identifying the general purpose and function of any magical item. This ability can be thwarted by cursed item (successful rolls indicate that the character comes up with a mistaken function for the item). The ability works as per the bard ability, as outlined in the PHB.
Meld Into Stone (10): Once per day, the character can meld into stone as a cleric of the same level.
Spell Specialization (5): (Useable only by spellcasters) The character has put a great deal of study into one particular spell. When casting that spell, the victim has a -1 penalty to saving throws, per level of this ability chosen (to a maximum o -4 penalty). Each time the character purchases this ability after the first, the cost goes up by 5 CP.
Divine Skills
Casting Reduction (4): The character is favoured by the gods; all his casting times (obviously, this ability is only useful to a spellcaster) are reduced by 1 segment, with a minimum casting time of 1.
Detect Poison (5): This ability allows the character to detect the presence of ingested (and only ingested) poisons in food or drink. By sniffing a suspected drink or meal for 1 minute, the character has a 1-in-4 chance of detecting the poison (may be modified by the DM to reflect more difficult to detect poisons). If a poison is truly odourless and tasteless, this ability does not function.
Gift of life (25): This ability may only be taken by clerics, and then, only used starting at fifth level. At this level, a cleric with this power may resurrect an individual who has died not later than a round ago. The resurrection attempt, if successfully survived, bestows full hit points; however, the revived character does lose a point of Constitution. Such a gift is not without its price: The cleric permanently loses one hit point each time this power is used.
Healing (10): The character gains the paladin's laying on hands ability.
Immunities (5/15): Characters with this ability are especially resistant to damage from a single sphere of magic (invocation, necromantic, etc.) The 5-point ability grants a +2 to any saving throw, if allowed, where the 15-point ability bestows a +4 bonus.
Magic Resistance (15): The character has 5% natural magic resistance.
Paralyzing Touch (15): By placing pressure on specific nerve junctions, the character can paralyze her opponent, leaving him unable to move for 2d4 rounds. The character must make a normal attack roll, but the attack does no other damage. The opponent is allowed a save vs. paralyzation at a -2 penalty.
Potion Identification (10): The character has a percentage chance equal to his Wisdom score of identifying a potion by appearance and scent (half this chance if the potion is cursed).
Spirit Attack (15): With this ability, the character is able to summon his inner life force and can damage monsters that could otherwise be hit only by magic weapons. However, to do so, the character must sacrifice a number of hit points. This number increases with the amount of power required.
XP Level |
Character Hits as A |
HP Sacrificed |
1-4 |
Silver weapon |
1d6 |
5-9 |
+1 magical weapon |
1d8 |
10-14 |
+2 magical weapon |
1d10 |
15-19 |
+3 magical weapon |
1d12 |
20+ |
+4 magical weapon |
1d20 |
Leadership Skills
Battle Leadership (5): The ability to lead large numbers of troops into battle. The character is able to take charge of up to 20 soldiers per level. He knows how to use messengers and signals, is familiar with military terminology, and understands the mechanics of moving large numbers of men.
Bribe (5): The character has a good knowledge of the inner-workings of most bureaucracies, and is good at "greasing the wheel". Characters with this Skill are better at offering bribes (gaining a 10% bonus to any such attempt).
Force of Personality (5): Characters with this ability gain a +2 bonus to all saving throws vs. charm, charm-like effects and spells which affect the emotions.
Gift of Tongues (5): The character learns languages easily. All learning times for languages are halved (after all other modifiers have been used), as per the Skill Level system.
Good Decisions (5): When called upon to make a leadership decision, the character is good at making them fast and accurately. Any time the character is required to make an "educated guess" style decision (which fork in a road to take, which door in a room to open, etc.), the character gains a +25% chance to make the right choice. For example, if a party comes upon a fork in the road, and does not know which fork to take, a normal guess would have only a 50/50 chance of being right. A character with this skill has a 75% chance of being right. Furthermore, if a character was confronted with 4 doors, and only one led to freedom, he would have a 25% percent chance of picking the right door. A character with this skill would have a 50% chance of choosing the right door.
Fire Touch (5): Simply by pressing his finger against specific points of the body, the character can cause great pain to his opponent. This can be done in the place of a normal attack. The touch causes no damage, but if the attack roll is successful, the opponent feels as though he were on fire. Thereafter, he will suffer a -2 penalty to attack rolls and a +2 penalty to AC. This effect lasts for 1d3 rounds. This ability may be used once per day, per opponent.
Quick Learner (15): The character is a quick study, and learns well, gaining a +5% bonus to experience points.
Natural Horseman (5): The character receives the riding, land based proficiency at Skill Level 1 for free (or gains 1 level if the ability is already known). Furthermore, the character is able to work a horse to its limits without harming it, and can increase any horse's movement rate by 4 points without harming the beast.
Noble Bearing (5): In order to take this skill, the character must have the etiquette proficiency at Skill Level 3 at least. Characters with this skill are seen to be noble and wise, and anyone viewing the character will likely think him to be of the nobility. This assumes, of course, that the character is appropriately dressed. Should a character walk through the streets of town in a beggar's tattered garb, no one will mistake him for a noblemen. Most of the non-nobility treat the character as something special (genuflecting, calling him m'lord, etc.). Note, this can lead to problems if a character is caught impersonating the nobility.
As a counterbalance to Skills, Restrictions are hindrances that the player takes for his character. These are presented as a means of assisting role playing; as such, Players must create a story behind each Restriction they choose. Each restriction is listed with a number of CP the character gains for choosing that Restriction.
Remember, these are voluntary Restrictions. Any Player who takes a Restriction for his character, and later violates that Restriction, invites the DM to be as nasty as he likes when coming up with a suitable punishment.
Absent Minded (1): The character's mind tends to wander, and he is more likely to be lost in reverie when trouble strikes. This character suffers a -2 penalty to all surprise checks.
Bad Temper (2): This character has difficulties with the niceties of social interaction, and is quick to take offense at the slightest insult. The DM should require the character to make a Wisdom check when the character is given cause to be insulted. If the check fails, the character is likely to shoot off his mouth in a rude fashion (i.e. highly insulting). Usually, the bad temper will not cause the character to attack. However, it is not inconceivable that the character's remarks will cause the situation to escalate to violence. Dwarves receive 1 extra CP when choosing this Restriction.
Blind (5): The character is blind, and has been since before birth. This blindness foils all attempts at curing, both magical and mundane. At the DM's option, a wish spell may give the character back his sight. The character suffers a -4 penalty to all melee attacks, and is virtually unable to use ranged attacks (-10 penalty to hit, if an attack seems appropriate).
Claustrophobia (2): The character is extremely claustrophobic, and is uncomfortable indoors or underground. Such characters suffer a -3 penalty to THAC0 and saving throws when in such settings.
Clubfoot (1): The character has a club foot, and walks with a pronounced limp (½ movement rate).
Code of Ethics (3): The character has a strict code of ethics, which prevents him from committing certain acts. Suggestions include: not being allowed to fight members of the opposite sex (this one may not be taken if the PC already has a similar Qualm), not being able to consume certain common foods like meat or alcohol, having to keep one's head shaved or to wear certain strange dress, or not being able to speak after sundown, except to cast spells. If okayed by the DM, each such code gives the character 5 CP to use as he will, to a maximum of 20.
Deaf (3): The character is deaf, and has been from birth. No magic short of wish can cure this defect. Deaf characters are easier to surprise (-2 penalty to surprise checks) and less perceptive (Perception checks involving sound cannot be passed). Deaf spellcasters have a 15% chance of spell failure for any spell involving verbal components.
Dependent (2): A character labouring under this Restriction is limited in his actions by a young child or elderly relative who depends upon the Player Character for at least a portion of his livelihood. The character must support the character financially, and must stay close in case he is needed. In worst-case scenarios, the dependent could become the victim of one of the character's enemies.
Fragility (2): Due to an illness suffered as a child, the character's bone structure is unnaturally weak. The character suffers double damage from all bludgeoning attacks, as well as from falls from any height.
Glass Jaw (2): Prone to blackouts, a character with this Restriction is twice as likely to be knocked unconscious as the result of an unarmed combat attack. Furthermore, a fall from any height greater than 10 feet results in a 25% chance that the character is struck unconscious for 1d6 rounds.
Limited armour (2/5/10): A character with this restriction has more limited armour selection than normal. Being limited to chain mail or lighter gives the character 2 CPs, where studded leather or lighter, gives him 5 CPs. No armor at all is worth 10 CPs. If the character can't use a shield, it is worth an additional 5 CPs. Naturally, the character has to be able to use the armour item he is restricting - so this Restriction really doesn't apply to, say, a mage.
Limited Magical Item Use (5): A character with this Restriction distrusts certain types of magic, and refuses to use certain categories of magical items. For each category that is barred to him, he gains 5 CPs. The categories are:
- potions, oils and scrolls
- rings, rods, staves, wands, and miscellaneous magic items
- weapons
- armor
Missing Limb (3): The character is missing a limb, and has been from birth. (Roll 1d4: 1=left leg, 2=right leg, 3=left arm, 4=right arm.) The limb cannot be regenerated by any means short of a wish. If a mage is missing an arm, all casting times for spells with somatic components are increased by +3. If missing a leg, the character's movement rate is reduced to 3, unless some sort of suitable prosthetic device - i.e. a peg leg - is used (in which case, the movement rate is reduced by ½).
Night Blindness (2): This Restriction increases the character's penalties when fighting in near-dark or lightless environments. The character suffers a -4 penalty to hit in twilight conditions and -8 in total darkness.
No Retreat (5): A character with this Restriction can never run from combat, no matter how poor the odds. Driven by an unyielding sense of honour, the character must fight for as long as someone challenges him. Like the wolf, this character wins every fight but one, and in that one he dies.
Pacifist (10): A pacifist may never strike a blow against any intelligent creature or risk angering his god. Such a character is not always against others who use violence; he simply chooses not to take that route himself.
Powerful Enemy (5): A powerful enemy (acquired before the start of the campaign) is a Restriction that must be incorporated by the DM into the background and story of a campaign. The reason for the vendetta must be defined by the DM, and can even go back to before the character's birth. Whatever the enemy's nature, it must be powerful enough to affect the character wherever he goes in the campaign. The Player Character's life should not be one long chase scene, he will need to keep a wary look out. This enemy will routinely send out agents after the character. Also, the enemy should have good access to information, being able to keep tabs on the PC in city, town, and perhaps even wilderness environments.
Qualm (2): Though he may be a fearless combatant, there is one thing that invariably causes this character to hesitate. Due to some emotional unrest or moral code, the character sometimes refuses to act, even in his own best interest. A list of potential qualms might include the following:
- Refuses to strike a woman.
- Cannot attack an enemy from behind.
- Will not fight an unarmed person.
- Believes it is a disgrace to use a disguise.
Only in the most extreme situations could a character overcome his particular Qualm, such as when his inaction would result in the certain (emphasize certain)death of a friend. Even then, a successful Wisdom check is required to surmount his Qualm.
Vow of Poverty (3): The character has taken a vow of poverty, and may only possess as much money as he needs to survive. Excess money must be donated to a non-player character charity, church, orphanage, etc. (no fair sneaking it to other Players). Such characters may never own more than five magical items.